Lokal Creators / Antrei Hartikainen

Antrei Hartikainen (b.1991) is a Finnish master cabinetmaker living in Fiskars. His work combines traditional carpentry techniques with modern design, and he has been awarded as Young Designer of the Year 2018.

Lokal has worked closely with Antrei in designing and developing products for the Lokal Kollektion. The Pino stackable box series is an excellent example of skilful carpentry combined with modern and functional design.

Lokal Creators / Antrei Hartikainen

Antrei Hartikainen (b.1991) is a Finnish master cabinetmaker living in Fiskars. His work combines traditional carpentry techniques with modern design, and he has been awarded as Young Designer of the Year 2018.

Lokal has worked closely with Antrei in designing and developing products for the Lokal Kollektion. The Pino stackable box series is an excellent example of skilful carpentry combined with modern and functional design.

Lokal: Tell us a little about yourself and your work.

I live and work in the Fiskars village. As a master cabinetmaker, I combine traditional carpentry techniques with Finnish aesthetics and modern design. My work consists of my own small series production, design work and collaborative projects with other designers and companies. I don’t draw a line between art and everyday objects, as I design and make pieces that are combinations of the two. I always strive to see an object from a new aspect or in a new context. The innovative use of wood and challenging it’s properties and boundaries is the most natural way of working for me.


L: How do you design your works?

My own needs, a commission, earlier exhibitions or just an inspiring form or detail in nature can be the starting point for a new work. I constantly observe and marvel at the things that surround me and try to find interesting forms and motifs in nature, architecture and everyday environments. The play of shadows and light on distinct surfaces is also very inspiring.
I find different processes and manufacturing possibilities fascinating: are the products made by hand, or by combining these two methods? Is the production place a large, automatized factory, a small workshop or something in-between Handmade, unique parts can create an intriguing detail in an object or artwork that otherwise qualifies for serial production. These works that push the boundaries of art and everyday objects are usually made in small batches, because both handicraft and mechanical work can easily be executed in small series.

L: Which one of your artworks or products is your own favourite?

Of the larger scale products that I have designed, the Bastone cabinet collection for POIAT studio is my favourite one. The cabinets feature many qualities that are important to me: the play of light and shadows, inventive use of material and finished details. The small Pino boxes bring together oak and it’s many nuances and the simple form which enhances details and stackability.


L: Which production principle is important to you?

I aim to create long-lasting products and works that people become attached to. The honest and sustainable decisions I make during the design and production process create a good foundation for the actual making of the product. The knowledge of materials and techniques and the understanding of quality craftmanship that derives from that knowledge is essential to my work. I wish that people who see and own my pieces would be inspired by the use of material, high-quality craftmanship, finishing touches and the aesthetic itself.

Browse and purchase products designed and made by Antrei here.

Shop: Antrei Hartikainen’s Work

Explore: Lokal Creators

Lokal Living: LASTUJA by Hanni Koroma

This both beautiful and functional kitchen got its design inspiration from a traditional planing bench, which has traditionally been used as a working desk.

Lokal Living: Katja Hagelstam’s thoughts on 10 Years of Lokal

“Art can help one identify an emotion; to touch, be touching and to be touched.”

Lokal Creators / Antrei Hartikainen

Antrei Hartikainen (b. 1991) is a master cabinetmaker and designer from Fiskars, known for his exquisite works in wood.

Lokal Creators / Nathalie Lautenbacher

Nathalie Lautenbacher is a Franco-Finnish ceramist, whose extraordinary products and art pieces have been sold at Lokal since its founding year.