Exhibition Archive
Exhibition #101 – Ilari Hautamäki & Santtu Mustonen / Once in a Hyper Moon
This unexpected exhibition presents a collection of works that explore three-dimensional textures, color combinations, and various techniques used to create texture-filled surfaces. The materials used by the artists, such as glass and paper, serve as the foundation for the pieces. The artworks blend the organic and industrial, as well as the controlled and spontaneous, in ways that reflect each artist’s unique approach.
Exhibition #100 – Niidome & Lautenbacher / Hiver – Fuyu
7.12.2024 – 18.1.2025
In the wintertime exhibition, wood and ceramics complement each other. The pitch black and glossy white wooden surfaces and the tones of red clay brick alongside porcelain are windows to other worlds – they bring play, warmth and comfort to the middle of this season.
Exhibition #99 – Sasha Huber & Petri Saarikko / Like Night and Day
In this exhibition two artists, Sasha Huber and Petri Saarikko, come together to explore themes of otherness and connection.
Exhibition #98 – Manifesto
Petri Ala-Maunus, Arni Aromaa, Roma Auskalnyte, EGS, Mariam Falaleih, Artor Jesus Inkerö, Jussi Juurinen, Anssi Kasitonni, Outi Koivisto, Veera Kulju, Ilkka Kärkkäinen, Laura Pehkonen, Ari Pelkonen, Antti Tanttu
Exhibition #97 – Metsään / Into the Forest
Sari Bremer, Heli Hiltunen, Pasi Karjula, Aimo Katajamäki, Ritva Kovalainen, Lotta Mattila, Jonas Lutz, Kim Simonsson
Exhibition #96 – Versot / Sprouts
Anew dawns nature
As the axis of the Earth
Turns to the sunlight
Every year within
The old, perished ones spring up
New existences
Exhibition #95 – Hymn
Matias Karsikas, Hanna-Kaisa Korolainen, Milla Vaahtera
The spring anthem, composed by three contemporary artists, is sung in their own distinct voices.
Exhibition #94 – Florist
Ville Aakula & Guests
All the people and experiences we encounter in life plant a seed in us; through acceptance they blossom and thus we all become florists.
Events & International Exhibitions
Bloom 2025 / Open Call
We are delighted to be having our eighth Bloom exhibition, Lokal’s biannual young artists’ exhibition. Bloom has become an established platform for young blossoming creatives to present their works in a curated group exhibition context.
Factory 2: Correspondences
28.11.–31.12.2024, Seoul
The works of five Korean and Finnish artists, who work by hand using different natural materials, correspond as if they are exchanging handwritten letters. It creates a temporary “commune” where diverse elements such as people and objects from here and there, light and colour of time and space converge and leave a lasting impression.
Lokal Bazar: Works on Paper
For three consecutive weekends we will host an event that we hope will spark your festive spirit and thoughtful gift-giving. Lokal Bazar: Works on Paper brings together a curated selection of artists’ drawings, paintings and prints on paper.
Institut finlandais: Between Earth and Sky
Curated by Katja Hagelstam of Lokal Gallery, the collection Between Earth and Sky showcases the work of eleven contemporary designers through ceramic, wood and glass pieces, as well as sustainable household linen by Lapuan Kankurit.
Institut finlandais: Ensemble
The new selection, Ensemble!, curated in the spirit of sharing, invites us to take the time to gather and spend time together; Collaboration between Institut finlandais and Katja Hagelstam of Lokal Gallery.
Lokal’s ensemble, as part of the Yhdessä / Together exhibition, consists of some of the best pieces by very skilled makers, offering unique works and design editions from local contemporary artists and designers.
HDW Collectors’ Market 2023
Lokal is participating in this year’s HDW Design Market novelty, which is the Collectors’ Market with a focus on unique items and limited editions. We welcome you to make special finds amongst some almost-forgotten gems with a quirk or two, straight from the artists’ studios.
Stockholm Creative Edition
Stockholm Creative Edition is an independent design week where Stockholm forms a fund for a new type of design festival where we showcase the best in Nordic design, furniture, lighting, art, and crafts.