Exhibition #64 – Joulumanteli

Erja Hirvi & Pasi Kärkkäinen-Tunkelo
22.11.2019 – 12.1.2020

Joulumanteli [Christmas almond] is a Christmas greeting in the form of an exhibition by Erja Hirvi and Pasi Kärkkäinen-Tunkelo.

The objects are inspired by the designers’ feelings associated to the Christmas season, when one kindles special moments and dear people. The ideas have sprung from various associations, including the sheer joy of finding. Just like the happiness felt when finding the Christmas porridge almond.

The custom of hiding an almond in the porridge on Christmas Eve is widespread throughout Scandinavia. Finding the Christmas almond is something special that only happens once a year, bringing the receiver luck and good fortune, thus turning this modest moment into something memorable.