Exhibition #37 – BLOOM


Lokal’s annual youth exhibition, featuring artists and designers under the age of 30. Participants are students of the following schools:

Aalto University, School of Arts Design and Architecture
Lahti University of Applied Sciences, Institute of Design and Fine Arts
University of the Arts Helsinki, Academy of Fine Arts

Timo Andersson – Johanna Bruun – Saija Halko – Inma Herrera – Adele Hyry – Artor Jesus Inkerö – Saimi Joutsi – Mette Kahlos – Ekin Kayis – Sanna Lehto – Laura Maldonado – Julia Niemi – Eeva-Maija Pulkkinen – Anni Ruuth – Elina Ulvio – Teija Vartiainen – Bogna Wisniewska

The event is a part of the Helsinki Design Week program. The largest design festival in the Nordic countries is held 1.-11.9.2016