Petri Saarikko | Mindmap | Untitled (untitled) solace
Year | 2022-2024 | Medium | Oil on canvas | Size | 18 x 13 cm |
Categories |
350,00 €
Shipping | The price of the artwork includes shipping within Europe Rest of the world: please contact for a shipping quote |
View the piece | The work can be viewed at Lokal gallery, Annankatu 9, 00120 Helsinki. Please contact us at +358 41 314 1794 or to ensure the piece is at Annankatu when you plan to visit. Welcome to view the piece! |
Petri Saarikko is a Helsinki-based artist and designer whose work is invested in experiential understanding of the world, particularly through the prisms of visible light and colour. This interest extends to contemplating how, for example, a painting might transition from daylight into darkness. His work thus embodies a multimodal exploration of entangled social, historical, and philosophical domains.
Petri Saarikko