Näyttely #42 – Klaus Haapaniemi: Black Lake


Syrjäinen mökki Pohjois-Islannissa, josta on näkymät tummalle, höyryävälle lammelle, jossa on outoja lehtiä ja salaperäisiä laavakiviä.


A remote cottage in Nordic Iceland overlooking a dark, steaming pond with strange foliage and mysterious lava stones. Black lake is Klaus Haapaniemi & Co’s new collection inspired by a description of this volcanic landscape and a magical land.

Klaus Haapaniemi & Co was first commissioned by artist Björk Gudmundsdottir to create bespoke furniture for her remote summer cottage in Iceland. Her description of the majestic surroundings sparked Klaus’ imagination to create woven tapestry that brings the imagined view to life.

Before the furniture starts its journey to Iceland it’s only once showcased in Helsinki Lokal gallery with other items of the Black lake collection. Special products of the Black Lake collection including printed wool scarves and velvet clutches are created to be sold exclusively in Lokal.

Black lake collection contains Klaus Haapaniemi & Co’s love for both craft and cutting edge digital production.The furniture is custom built by Nikari in Finland, the tapestry is woven in an old textile mill in England and the pond rug is printed on wool in Netherlands.

Tutustu: Näyttelyt

Näyttely #98 – Manifesto

Petri Ala-Maunus, Arni Aromaa, Roma Auskalnyte, EGS, Mariam Falaleih, Artor Jesus Inkerö, Jussi Juurinen, Anssi Kasitonni, Outi Koivisto, Veera Kulju, Ilkka Kärkkäinen, Laura Pehkonen, Ari Pelkonen, Antti Tanttu

Näyttely #97 – Metsään

Sari Bremer, Heli Hiltunen, Pasi Karjula, Aimo Katajamäki, Ritva Kovalainen, Lotta Mattila, Jonas Lutz, Kim Simonsson

Näyttely #96 – Versot / Sprouts

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