• Lokal Creators / Armi Teva

    Armi Teva is a visual artist and designer living in Helsinki. Teva operates in various fields, including sculpture, illustration and public art pieces. The works are united by a playful style, bold use of colours and a passion for drawing. Ceramics is one material close to Teva. She held an exhibition of ceramic reliefs on Lokal’s White Wall at the end of 2024, and we visited her studio as she was wrapping up the year.

  • Lokal Creators / Réka Király

    Réka Király is a visual storyteller. Born in Budapest, Hungary, and she currently lives and works in Helsinki, Finland. Kiraly’s works capture the delicate individualism and uniqueness of people in the form of plants. These portraits are dialogues showing the emerging repetitive elements in nature. We visited her home studio in connection to her Lokal White Wall exhibition Seedling. 

  • Lokal Creators / Saija Starr

    Saija Starr is a painter living in Helsinki. Recent works depict nature and human nature, memories and memories of places that have left a strong trace in memory. Starr’s painting style is expressive, and colours play a most important role.We visited her studio just as the last coat of paint was drying on her pieces to be included in her Lokal White Wall exhibition, Tranquility.

  • Lokal Creators / Akiko Mori

    Akiko Mori was born in Japan and studied sculpture at Art University in Tokyo. In 2022 she opened her new studio in Helsinki, which we visited to mark her Lokal White Wall exhibition, Geometric Spaces. She is interested in how physical properties, such as clay density and water content, affect the fluidity of the clay.

  • Lokal Creators / Benjamin Murphy

    Benjamin Murphy, born in West Yorkshire, is a globally exhibiting visual artist. His current work explores themes of polarity, time, memory, and contrast – often rendered in charcoal on raw canvas. We visited his studio in Helsinki just before he set up his Lokal White Wall exhibition, Éanáir. 

  • Lokal Creators / Sini Villi

    Sini Villi is a textile artist living and working in Helsinki, Finland. In her work Villi uses handmade ribbon to create three-dimensional textile reliefs and sculptures. We visited her Helsinki studio on a summer afternoon just after she’d set up her White Wall exhibition, Ammonites.

  • Lokal Creators / Fanny Tavastila

    Fanny Tavastila is a painter who lives and works in Helsinki. We visited her studio at the Cable Factory one dark November afternoon to get a closer look at her works, which posess an innate and lyrical sense of colour, rhythm, texture and composition.

  • Lokal Creators / Hanni Koroma

    Hanni Koroma is an award-winning Finnish interior architect and furniture designer. In her work, Koroma combines functionality and aesthetics into timeless entities where her philosophic values in sustainable and playful design meet. Koroma says that space is like a poem that evolves constantly. Her new Lohkoja cabinets are centrepieces of our summer exhibition Butterflies & Seeds. 

  • Lokal Creators / Minna Arponen

    Minna Arponen is a jewellery designer and maker from Helsinki. Recently, she’s been fascinated by the tiny glass beads that she used to play with in her childhood. We visited her studio where most of her pieces take form, if not in her lap on tram rides through the city.

  • Lokal Creators / Pan Jianfeng

    Pan Jianfeng is a conceptual artist working predominately with paper and ink. His background and techniques are rooted in tradition, but his works are strong and contemporary. We visited his home studio one early spring afternoon to learn more about his works in our Year of the Rabbit exhibition.

  • Lokal Creators / Aimo Katajamäki

    Aimo Katajamäki is an artist, illustrator, and graphic designer. His superhero wood sculptures depict human nature in a subtle and delicate way. We visited his studio just a few blocks from Lokal as he was carving his new pieces for the Year of the Rabbit exhibition.

  • Lokal Creators / Milla Vaahtera

    Milla Vaahtera is a designer and artist best known for her unique pieces combining bold glass parts with delicate brass.On a winter’s day earlier this year we visited her studio in an old elementary school building in Helsinki, where she assembles her pieces.

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