• Heli Juuti

    Heli Juuti is an artist and designer from Helsinki, whose sculptures consist of various found and received wood materials, such as oak logs, juniper trunk pieces and clippings.

  • Benjamin Murphy

    Benjamin Muprhy’s current work explores themes of polarity, time, memory, and contrast – often rendered in charcoal on raw canvas.

  • Raisa Raekallio

    Raisa Raekallio’s (b.1978) aquarelle figures are created in a small cottage in the artist’s home in Kittilä, in the village of Sirkka.

  • Maisa Majakka

    Maisa Majakka is a Helsinki-based visual artist and sculptor. Majakka is inspired by mundane experiences of freedom, the frantically transformative nature of life, emotional ambivalence and the female point-of-view.

  • Marika Maijala

    Marika Maijala works as a freelance artist in Taiteilijatalo on Harakka Island and studies art painting at the Vapaa Taidekoulu.

  • Emmi Tavela

    Emmi Tavela is a painter working mainly with tempera and oil colour. She lives on a small island in the outer archipelago of Porvoo.

  • Saija Starr

    Saija Starr’s paintings can be described as expressive, and colours play an important role in her work.

  • Armi Teva

    Armi Teva (b. 1992) operates in various fields, including sculpture, illustration and public art pieces.

  • Pasi Karjula

    Pasi Karjula is a highly individual sculptor who uses mainly wood as his material, a post-informalist who cavorts with formless forms.

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