Sini Villi | Arieticeras

MediumHand-dyed wild silk with recycled cotton cord. Backing hardened.
Size42 x 26 x 14 cm




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View the pieceThe work can be viewed at Lokal gallery, Annankatu 9, 00120 Helsinki. Please contact us at +358 41 314 1794 or to ensure the piece is at Annankatu when you plan to visit. Welcome to view the piece!
Sini Villi (b. 1980) is a textile artist and clothing designer living and working in Helsinki. Villi uses silk to create three-dimensional textile wall sculptures by hand. The visual language of the textile sculptures draws its inspiration from Villi’s childhood in Northern Finland, by the vast natural landscape. Every autumn large fields were plowed, forming softly rhythmic grooves that created a visually interesting and soothing surface. Sini Villi’s textile sculptures are based on a similar continuous cycle of nature that can be seen both in the rippling of the water surface and in the annual rings of the tree.

“I use silk in my works because the colors are glowing and intense, the surface lively and sophisticated. The monochromatic color scheme leads the viewer to explore the shapes and texture of the sculpture. In clothing, the fabric follows its wearer and changes in movement. In my textile art, I have wanted to halt the movement into a permanent form.”

Sini Villi