Exhibition #88 – Year of the Rabbit

Exhibition #88
Year of the Rabbit
Aimo Katajamäki & Pan Jianfeng
The Year of the Rabbit exhibition by Aimo Katajamäki and Pan Jianfeng depicts change, optimism and new opportunities. The works are tied together by the commonality of moments, dots and messages that connect them.
Behind Aimo Katajamäki’s wooden sculptures resides an ecological message; even though the ice creams melt and the forests burn, nature wins in the end. A boxing bunny is ready to give you a black eye in the piece Haastaja, and in the Bad Sleep sculpture, the poorly treated Nature enters people’s dreams. The artist himself identifies with his work as a leaping hare – becoming an artist is a leap into the unknown.
In Pan Jianfeng’s ink works, the leap into the unknown is almost always present. In them, one point is never the same. One point or work always leads to a new beginning. The Year of the Rabbit is full of moments, and new points – full of new opportunities.
The Finnish Cultural Fund has supported Aimo Katajamäki’s own part in the exhibition.
Shop: Exhibition Pieces
1800,00 €
4400,00 €
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750,00 €