Exhibition #83 – Sinua sinua rakastan

Sinua sinua rakastan
Lokal Gallery + Online Gallery
Annankatu 9, Helsinki
Ville Aakula
Bo Haglund
Saija Halko
Karoliina Hellberg
Hanna-Kaisa Korolainen
Päivi Keski-Pomppu
Love is a universal ocean from which art flows. Love is attachment to other people and the world. In art, it also means uniting with the long history of art in all different eras; to national romanticism, Japonism, the Renaissance – their thoughts, struggles and hopes. Love however surrounds us in its different guises in every single moment, and art is one opportunity to experience its breathing through the experience of silence and beauty.
The six artists of the exhibition have contemplated and felt love into different forms and materials. The exhibition expresses affection and admiration towards everyday life, other beings, all of Creation and humanity.