Exhibition #48 – VIIVA


The line frames, separates and connects.

Viiva, The Line, is a group exhibition featuring seven artists, who all in the their own technique and chosen material explore ‘the line’. The artists have created work using ink on paper, oil on canvas, ceramics, clay and graphite. The participants are Mollu Heino, Sasha Huber, Kristina Riska, Pan Jianfeng, Pasi Kärkkäinen-Tunkelo, Veera Kulju and Jaanika Peerna.

The exhibition is curated by Katja Hagelstam.

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Exhibition #100 – Niidome & Lautenbacher / Hiver – Fuyu

7.12.2024 – 18.1.2025
In the wintertime exhibition, wood and ceramics complement each other. The pitch black and glossy white wooden surfaces and the tones of red clay brick alongside porcelain are windows to other worlds – they bring play, warmth and comfort to the middle of this season.

Exhibition #99 – Sasha Huber & Petri Saarikko / Like Night and Day

In this exhibition two artists, Sasha Huber and Petri Saarikko, come together to explore themes of otherness and connection.

Exhibition #98 – Manifesto

Petri Ala-Maunus, Arni Aromaa, Roma Auskalnyte, EGS, Mariam Falaleih, Artor Jesus Inkerö, Jussi Juurinen, Anssi Kasitonni, Outi Koivisto, Veera Kulju, Ilkka Kärkkäinen, Laura Pehkonen, Ari Pelkonen, Antti Tanttu