Exhibition #67 – Gathering

A Summer Salon

Isolation made us long for meaningful gatherings. What is it that brings us together?

Lokal is returning to its roots even with small concrete changes; a home-like environment in which we gather in front of beauty and art. Ville Aakula has designed and made a large round table for the Lokal gallery space, around which we can assemble. The round table enables various small-scale events as well.

The rhythm of our exhibition calendar will be altered. We will change the ensembles according to the seasons, about four times a year.

In the Gathering exhibition is included art, design and furniture by the following creators:

Ville Aakula, Arni Aromaa, Charlotta Boucht, Reeta Ek, Hanna-Kaarina Heikkilä, Katy Hertell, Sasha Huber, Renata Jakowleff, Nathalie Lautenbacher, Marika Kecskeméti, Hanna-Kaisa Korolainen, Jonas Lutz, Sonja Löfgren, Raija Malka, Outi Martikainen, Matti Pikkujämsä, Anni Pitkäjärvi, Saara Renvall, Heini Riitahuhta, Kristina Riska, Ananya Tanttu, Aurea Tanttu, Armi Teva, Heli Tuori-Luutonen, Erin Turkoglu and Jaana Wahlsten.
Exhibition architecture: Hanni Koroma.